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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: What Are MicroVMs? And Why Should I Care? - Richard Case, SUSE


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Lightning Talk: What Are MicroVMs? And Why Should I Care? - Richard Case, SUSE

Have you heard the word “microVMs” and wondered what they are? Or perhaps it's a new term to you? The word itself implies that they are tiny virtual machines but is this true, and what really is microVM technology? MicroVM technology is used by AWS as a core building block for some of its services. So, it's got to be pretty good, right? Are there reasons, as a Service Provider or software vendor, that I should be considering this technology? Can you take advantage of NIC/Hardware acceleration? In this session, you’ll be taken on a tour of what microVMs are, their use cases and some current microVM open-source implementations. You’ll hopefully come away understanding what microVMs are and why they might be useful to you.