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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Migrating from JS to WASM in production and living to tell the ta... Corentin Godeau


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Lightning Talk: Migrating from JS to WASM in production and living to tell the tale - Corentin Godeau, Lumen

Here at Lumen, we develop software to help video streaming platforms scale to millions of viewers and provide top-notch quality to audiences. As video streaming soared last year, we embarked on a journey to improve the performance of one of our core offerings - a client-side CDN load balancer. In this talk, we explain how we migrated our legacy JavaScript codebase into C++ targeting WASM for the web. We discuss how we overcame the differences in paradigm between JS and WASM. We explore the constraints WASM presented when ensuring compatibility with native and how that shaped our code architecture. We also look at the tooling we used to debug the code that went into production and share some practical insights into memory management and the battle scars that you can avoid if you plan to take on this kind of project yourself.