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From YouTube: Serverless WebAssembly for compute-intensive workloads - Robert Aboukhalil, Invitae


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Serverless WebAssembly for compute-intensive workloads - Robert Aboukhalil, Invitae

Serverless functions are a cost-effective way to build scalable APIs, but they can be impractical for certain applications due to cold starts and lack of support for your language of interest. However, now that several platforms offer FaaS solutions powered by WebAssembly (e.g. Cloudflare, Fastly), they can now provide near-0 function initialization times, and support for languages that compile to WebAssembly. This talk explores how to use serverless WebAssembly to build APIs for compute-intensive workloads. As a concrete example, Robert will showcase a serverless function that performs bioinformatics analysis; this is done by compiling an existing library from C to WebAssembly, and deploying it as a serverless function.