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From YouTube: From Napkin to the Cloud: A WebAssembly Journey - Kevin Hoffman, Capital One


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From Napkin to the Cloud: A WebAssembly Journey - Kevin Hoffman, Capital One

WebAssembly is not only changing the way we build and deploy software, but it can improve every aspect of the developer experience from napkin sketch to deployment. In this session, Kevin takes you on a trip from application concept (the "napkin") all the way to production in the cloud (and beyond!). He will illustrate the process of building a full-featured, cloud-native application composed of polyglot actors (Rust and Go!) using the open source project wasmCloud. You'll learn how this journey changes for the better in so many ways simply by embracing the power and--even the limitations--of WebAssembly. You'll see how what you build in isolation on your workstation can grow in scale, performance, and resiliency, all without ever having to re-architect components, consume hard-to-use remote services, or recompile a complex chain of dependencies. Ship your napkin to production!