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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Build trusted cloud apps with Wasm: WebAssembly Micro Runtime is ready - Xin Wang


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Lightning Talk: Build trusted cloud apps with Wasm: WebAssembly Micro Runtime is ready - Xin Wang, Intel

It is critical to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of user code and data on the cloud and the solutions often rely on the CPU Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) feature such as Intel Software Guard Extension (SGX). Wasm introduced a new approach for abstracting workloads from the underlying TEE HW differences. WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR), a Bytecode Alliance open source project has provided comprehensive support for Intel SGX, such as compiled Wasm modules, WASI, TensorFlow, and it has made an excellent adoption trend on SGX by open-source projects and commercial products. This talk will introduce the WAMR architecture and key features, as well as its usages on cloud TEE such as Smart Contract, Multi-parties computing. It will also share how the projects like Inclavare, Faasm use WAMR to orchestrate Wasm workloads for smoothly extending to cloud TEE.