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From YouTube: Sponsored Keynote: What can WebAssembly do for your Application Security and Extens... Takaya Saeki


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Sponsored Keynote: What can WebAssembly do for your Application Security and Extensibility - Takaya Saeki, Tetrate Engineer and Envoy Contributor, Tetrate

WebAssembly was born as portable bytecode to run in browsers, but it is now much more than that. Many out-of-browser environments for running WebAssembly have emerged, including proxy-wasm, Krustlet, and WASI.

Why is WebAssembly gaining a presence outside the browser?
The key lies in the fact that WebAssembly has multiple advantages that were not previously available, especially safeness and openness.

In this talk, I will summarize what features of WebAssembly are giving rise to a wide variety of applications in the world outside the browser, and reflect on how "WebAssembly outside the browser" is a great idea and its impact on application security.