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From YouTube: WebAssembly as a cloud-native runtime for serverless functions - Michael Yuan, Second State


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WebAssembly as a cloud-native runtime for serverless functions - Michael Yuan, Second State

Serverless function-as-a-service is popular among developers. Public clouds use hypervisor VMs or containers (e.g., Docker) to run serverless functions. But they are slow and resource-intensive. In this talk, Michael will discuss the Wasm VM as a lightweight cloud-native runtime. It allows serverless functions to be embedded in edge & IoT devices, as well as in SaaS platforms. It also enables developers to deploy serverless functions on legacy systems without changing any code. Topics include: * How to create a function-as-a-service with Node.js & Wasm * How public clouds like Tencent Cloud utilized Wasm in serverless environments * How to use K8s and cloud-native tools to deploy & manage Wasm VMs Developers will get hands-on experience to create & deploy high-performance serverless functions in Rust.