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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Implementing Wasm Debugging with .net in vscode - Thays Tagliaferri de Grazia


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Lightning Talk: Implementing Wasm Debugging with .net in vscode - Thays Tagliaferri de Grazia, Microsoft

Explain some tricks we used to get debug information about a running app, how the call stack and the variable values are retrieved from the runtime when it’s paused on the debugger. This talk helps people to understand how C# debugger works over the Chrome DevTools Protocol, and what was implemented recently to be able to debug also on Firefox. Encourage people to implement support to any other browser that they want. Hopefully debugging a multithreaded runtime will be working at the time of the talk, so we can discuss how to debug in a multithreaded environment, what are the challenges, and what were the changes to make it possible.