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From YouTube: Bring Your Own Bytecode to the Logging Party - Guba Sándor & Dudas Adam, Cisco


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Bring Your Own Bytecode to the Logging Party - Guba Sándor & Dudas Adam, Cisco

Logs have become a huge burden on modern architecture. As there are more and more production distributed systems, properly handling logs, searching for failures, transforming, and extracting data is a crucial task. As the creators of the Logging Operator, Sandor and Adam know the complexity of these pipelines and the amount of work needed to set them up properly. All logging pipelines require extensibility. There is always a “thing” that makes your case a very specialized one. The common solution is to use a plugin system within your logging pipeline. WASM opened a lot of possibilities for portable code. WASM on the data plane is not a new concept. Envoy proxy uses WASM plugins to filter, transform, and authenticate HTTP content. This talk describes a plugin system specialized for logging purposes. It enables you to run the exact same plugins in the browser and the backend system, drastically reducing the turnaround time from planning to production. Moreover, you can test your setup on live streamed data.