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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: WebAssembly + Application Runtime = A New Era of FaaS? - Jason Song, Ant Group


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Lightning Talk: WebAssembly + Application Runtime = A New Era of FaaS? - Jason Song, Ant Group

In the past years, Application Runtime and WebAssembly have become more and more popular. The idea of Application Runtime is to shield the differences between the underlying infrastructure and provide a unified and semantically clear API to the application. This idea greatly reduces the cost to use the underlying infrastructure. On the other hand, WebAssembly has huge potential in terms of multi-language support, memory-safe and sandbox execution environment. At the same time, we are familiar with the concept of FaaS, but how to realize FaaS and make it productive is still in the stage where there is no unified standard. This talk mainly discusses the combination of Application Runtime and WebAssembly as a solution for FaaS productization. We hope to treat Application Runtime as an independent process, and WebAssembly as the carrier of each Function. The Application Runtime process loads the specified Function on demand and then runs it, similar to a container. We are currently trying to make this design proposal more productive. We will share the problems encountered in this proposal and our thoughts on solving these problems.