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From YouTube: Panel: Whither Security in a Cloud-Native World?


Moderated by Christopher Lijenstople, Tigera

Michael Ansel, Box
Joseph Jacks, Apprenda

Traditionally, the security team has been the "immovable object" within any enterprise: any new project must be meet a rigid set of security rules in order to proceed. Into that established world order, an "irresistible force" is emerging with increasing momentum: the cloud-native approach redefines how applications are architected, throwing many traditional assumptions out of the window. The two are on collision course. What will be the fall-out? This panel will discuss what the world looks like after that collision: How will applications be secured? Who will define security policies? And how will they be enforced across hybrid environments - both private and public clouds, and traditional bare metal / VM and cloud-native, containerized workloads?
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