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From YouTube: Cloud Native Security Landscape: Myths, Dragons, and Real Talk


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Cloud Native Security Landscape: Myths, Dragons, and Real Talk - Edd Wilder-James & Loris Degioanni, Sysdig; Kim Lewandowski, Chainguard; Isaac Hepworth, Google; Randall Degges, Snyk

The open source security landscape is moving fast, and affects you at all parts of the software lifecycle, from creating open source, to consuming it, to remedying vulnerabilities and detecting threats at runtime. The sheer number of moving parts represents great progress, but challenging when it comes to knowing what to prioritize. Do you like GUAC with your SLSA? Are you equipped to handle the latest OSS vulnerabilities? This panel will discuss where you should pay attention, what's real now, and what's coming in the future. Topics will include * From design-time to run-time: security is a multi-layer concern. All along the software development lifecycle, progress is being made in securing cloud-native, what are the most important projects to know about? * It's about the people, naturally: we're being told to "shift left" security focus to the developer, but are we ready for it? What are the challenges of connecting the security teams to developers and architects, and what really works? * What is real, what is myth? The field is full of hot takes, from grand ideas that won't take off, to draconian policies that throw the baby out with the bathwater. Where are the real risks, and how do you deal with the myths and the scares?