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From YouTube: Keynote: Fighting The Next War - Future Threats to OSS and Software Supply Chain... Brian Behlendorf


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Keynote: Fighting The Next War - Future Threats to OSS and Software Supply Chain Security - Brian Behlendorf, Managing Director, Open Source Security Foundation

Buffer overflows, typo-squatting, leaked credentials - many of the biggest problems in securing software today are the same greatest-hits since the 1990s. More or less once a year we see a novel kind of security attack, taking advantage of some new centralized service, a weakness we incorrectly assumed could not be exploited, or a new IT advancement that changes everything. As a keynote speech given at a 2023 Q1 conference, we are now legally required to mention ChatGPT, but ignoring the hype, the prospect of AI enabling uncanny spearfishing or automating mass pull requests with backdoors seems much less sci-fi today than it would have a year ago. What other new kinds of attacks could emerge, and what should OSS projects do to prepare?