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From YouTube: Webinar: Building Serverless Application Pipelines


The serverless paradigm is bringing a new type of applications to the forefront of application architecture. Distributed, containerized, scalable, event-driven and ephemeral with fine grained billing. In this talk we will go through several application use-cases that are driving the serverless movement (e.g data processing, IoT, mobile-backends,machine learning) and demonstrate how these applications can be developed and deployed on top of Kubernetes using an open source serverless solution called kubeless. Through live demos and examples, we will show that Kubernetes with its rich and stable core API is the perfect platform to build FaaS solutions.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.