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From YouTube: Webinar: CNCF has 99+ K8S distros, and this is how (and why) we built one more: OKD4 on FCOS


OKD, is the community distribution of Kubernetes that powers Red Hat's OpenShift. It is built around a core of OCI container packaging and Kubernetes container cluster management. OKD also uses Fedora CoreOS (FCOS), a container-oriented operating system that combines some of the best features and functions of the CoreOS and Red Hat Atomic Host operating systems. FCOS is specifically designed for running containerized applications from OKD and works with new tools to provide fast installation, Operator-based management, and simplified upgrades. While Kubernetes excels at managing your applications, it does not specify or manage platform-level requirements or deployment processes. Powerful and flexible platform management tools and processes are important benefits that OKD4 offers, the major components in OKD that come from Fedora and related Red Hat technologies. In this session, we'll discuss into the open cross collaboration between the Kubernetes, OpenShift and Fedora communities to build the latest GA release of OKD4 and how it fostered the rapid innovation and development processes that enable us to deliver this open source community-built Kubernetes distribution.

Christian Glombek, Vadim Rutkovsky, Charro Gruver and Dusty Mabe (Red Hat)