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From YouTube: Webinar: Making Data Work for Developers with Kubernetes & Cassandra


What new demands do Kubernetes and microservices place on the data tier? Kubernetes has fueled a new breed of cloud-native applications that deliver agility in the dev cycle through microservice architectures, scale as traffic fluctuates, and are resilient to failures in distributed environments. This modern application stack requires that the infrastructure serving data is just as flexible as every other layer with the minimum amount of tradeoffs. Businesses need to move fast and nothing should get in the way of building and delivering your next app. In this webinar, we'll cover how Kubernetes and Apache Cassandra are coming together to solve these challenges.

Topics include:
- Data considerations when modernizing your stack with Kubernetes and microservices
- Examples of best practices that users are deploying to deal with these complexities
- Our experiences of building and using a Kubernetes Operator for Cassandra at scale


Chris Splinter, Sr. Product Manager - Developer Solutions @DataStax
Patrick McFadin, VP of Developer Relations @DataStax