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From YouTube: Webinar: Service Mess to Service Mesh


We are witnessing the rise of microservices and cloud-native technologies. However, one big challenge of microservice architecture is the overhead of having to request services across a well-defined API. Many companies are successfully using tools like Kubernetes for deploys, but they still face runtime challenges when they have to perform routing, monitoring or security. Having a mess of tens, hundreds or even thousands of services communicating in production is a job only for the brave technical hearts and sound knowledge. This is where Service Mesh comes to clean up the mess. A service mesh is a framework that helps discover, control, and secure microservice communication in the new distributed architecture. Service Mesh integrates API directly into the underlying compute cluster making service-to-service communication more secure, reliable, efficient, and easier to maintain. Service Mesh is an architectural pattern that comes to rescue to clean up your service mess.

Key Takeaways:
* Compare and contrast Istio and Linkerd as example service meshes.
* Advanced scenarios of using the service mesh.
* Analyze the security features, complexities, and implementation costs of a service mesh.
* Security Benefits and tradeoffs of using service mesh vs API gateway or hardware appliance.

Kavya Pearlman, Wallarm and Rob Richardson, memSQL