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From YouTube: Kubernetes in Highly Restrictive Environments: Meeting the Needs of Enterprise Governance & Security


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Installing Kubernetes is easy. Ensuring it complies with your organization’s enterprise governance and security requirements isn’t.

Oleg will outline a plan to use the technology while meeting enterprise security requirements. In this technically-focused talk, he’ll summarize common prerequisites for running Kubernetes in production, and how to leverage fine-grained controls and separation of responsibilities to meet enterprise governance and security needs.

The presentation will include basic requirements for audit, security, authentication, authorization, integration with existing identity broker, logging, and monitoring. Additionally, the audience will learn whether cloud-hosted Kubernetes cover these requirements, how to integrate a compliant Kubernetes installation with their existing cloud infrastructure and how to handle cross-team communication (network/compute/storage/security).

Since on-premise Kubernetes deployments have their challenges, Oleg will cover the limitations of a bare-metal installation, interactions with vSphere’s API, achieving HA, reliability and disaster recovery, as well as handling OS upgrades, security patches, and Kubernetes upgrades. He will close with a quick outlook of what’s next, including infrastructure as a code, immutable infrastructure, and GitOps.