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From YouTube: Webinar: Kubernetes Policies 101


DoiT International is proud to highlight our partner Apolicy in this upcoming webinar, a fascinating introduction to the world of Kubernetes Policies.

Kubernetes Policies are one of the most impactful tools Kubernetes offers, providing the ability to control clusters and workloads in this incredibly dynamic environment. As the importance around operations, security and compliance has increased, this tool has gained increased spotlight.

What type of Policies exist? How do we define and enforce Policies? What best practices are available? These are just some of the topics Eran Leib, Founder and VP Product Management of Apolicy will cover in this webinar. There will be ample time for Q&A so come ready to discuss!


Eran Leib, Founder & VP Product Management @Apolicy 

Spenser Paul, Director of Sales, North America @DoiT International