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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Crossplane and Promises - Steve Cavallo, Cloudcheckr


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Lightning Talk: Crossplane and Promises - Steve Cavallo, Cloudcheckr

Configuration management has become virtually standard in every industry. As we have moved to infrastructure as code, and most recently serverless, the tools have changed but many of the principals for governing systems have remained the same. In this presentation I will talk about the Promise theory and how it applies to several of the most popular infrastructure-as-code solutions - Crossplane, terraform, cloudformation. Most notably, how Crossplane keeps promises and how this is fundamentally different than other existing toolsets, to quote Mark Burgess, "by shifting the attention away from what changes (or which algorithms to enact), onto what interfaces exist between components and what promises they keep and why." The approaches to describing systems will have different output and challenges when applied at scale.