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From YouTube: Constructing Building Blocks for Production Grade Cloud Native Deployments (with Cro... Hasan Türken


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Constructing Building Blocks for Production Grade Cloud Native Deployments (with Crossplane) - Hasan Türken, Upbound

Deploying applications to the cloud is easy. It gets harder when it requires some infrastructure and harder if it needs to be deployed with a production-grade configuration. And most of the time, we need to automate all of these for a variety of reasons which further complicates the work. Wouldn't it be great if we could have re-usable building blocks that could be assembled and even better if we could later define them as new blocks that could be re-used further? In this talk, we will present how we are using Crossplane and composition to deploy a highly available, tls enabled Vault backed by a GCS bucket and configured to auto unseal with Cloud KMS using GCP workload identity. We will discuss how Crossplane helps us to easily assemble infra and application components and eases automation further with declarative configuration.