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From YouTube: Building + operating a service mesh at a mid-size company - Taiki Ono, Cookpad Inc.


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Building + operating a service mesh at a mid-size company - Taiki Ono, Cookpad Inc.

Service meshes are not only for big companies. It works for intermediate-sized companies as well. We, Cookpad, are a mid-sized company having 200+ developers, 10+ teams, 90M monthly users.

We are building our own service mesh using Envoy proxy for our microservices. And, we are getting the benefit of service mesh. The biggest benefit is observability: we can easily know how our microservices are working by looking into fine-grained metrics per upstream service. The second benefit is process model independency: we now have the outbound proxy for every app which controls retries, timeouts, circuit breaking and load balancing.

I will share the knowledge and techniques through our case: how did we build, and our architecture and toolchains. We are using AWS ECS as a container orchestration, and our service mesh is built on it.