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From YouTube: Making Envoy Sustainable - Cynthia Coan, Datawire


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Making Envoy Sustainable - Cynthia Coan, Datawire

Adopting a new technology is never easy; but making that technology stick is even harder. This is because when adopting a new technology you face both technical AND social/cultural hurdles.

At the gateway and service mesh layers, breaking changes affect huge swaths, if not all, of your users and can consume a lot of development time.

In this talk, Cynthia will explain how you can approach building a maintainable API Gateway using Envoy that is set up to last for numerous years. She will delve into how to work with internal consumers and the Envoy community and how you can create internal filters/extensions for the gateway in a sane way. The end goal is that your gateway will continue to run and have the ability to adapt as we change other parts of our stack, moving from platform to platform and language to language.