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From YouTube: Graph-based ML Anomaly Detection and Insights for Envoy Systems - Anoop Koloth & Hanzhang Wang, eBay


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Graph-based ML Anomaly Detection and Insights for Envoy Systems - Anoop Koloth & Hanzhang Wang, eBay

At eBay, the services have been moving in close to end-users for faster and better experiences. SLB powered by envoy today helps us to address dynamic caching of content on edge across the globe. Monitoring the reliability and availability to the customers is always a top ask. The data and insights generated by Envoy are in-depth and detailed for granular and powerful anomaly detection.

In this talk, the speakers will present on how they managed to build a monitoring system and leveraged data generated from envoy clusters:
(1) Processing billions of hits served from different platforms from worldwide in real-time.
(2) Key Performance Indicators from Envoy ecosystem.
(3) Effective ML solution for proactive monitoring diversified eBay systems.
(4) Graph-based modeling and algorithms to deal with system complexity.
(5) Symbiosis and enhancement with existing SRE solution.