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From YouTube: The Evolution of Twitter's Edge - Ryland Degnan, Twitter


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The Evolution of Twitter's Edge - Ryland Degnan, Twitter

Each day, Twitter responds to hundreds of billions of requests from users around the world. Today, Envoy is the point of entry for 100% of these requests. This hasn't always been the case. Not long ago, requests to Twitter passed through an ancient and highly bespoke edge proxy that was created internally and predated the open-source Envoy. In this talk, Ryland will describe how Twitter runs Envoy at the edge at scale, some of the unique benefits that Envoy provides in Twitter's edge architecture, and highlight features that Twitter has contributed to Envoy to support the edge use-case. He will outline how Twitter's edge architecture has evolved over time as the number of users and services has grown, what the next steps are for Twitter's edge, and the role Envoy will play in the future.