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From YouTube: From FluentBit Operator to Fluent Operator: The Long Way to Come- Benjamin Huo, QingCloud Tech


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From FluentBit Operator to Fluent Operator: The Long Way to Come- Benjamin Huo, QingCloud Technologies

FluentBit Operator was created by the KubeSphere community to solve several problems:

1. Collect K8s logs through a light-weighted agent like Fluent Bit.

2. Control Fluent Bit via Kubernetes API.

3. Collect logs and then send them to the final destination without having to go through Fluentd.

4. Enable dynamic config reloading for Fluent Bit to reload its config whenever the config changes without restarting the Fluent Bit Pod.

FluentBit Operator has reached its maturity level gradually after two and a half years of iterations, and KubeSphere and Fluent Community collaborated to transfer it to the Fluent organization.

Sometimes Fluentd is still needed as an optional sink to aggregate logs received from Fluent Bit, then filter and forward to more destinations. So FluentBit Operator maintainers are considering adding Fluentd CRDs and rename the project to Fluent Operator.

In this talk, FluentBit Operator maintainers will talk about the architecture and use cases of FluentBit Operator and the design of Fluent Operator.