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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Taming the Thundering Gitops Herd with Update... Joaquim Rocha & Iago López Galeiras


Lightning Talk: Taming the Thundering Gitops Herd with Update Policies - Joaquim Rocha & Iago López Galeiras, Microsoft

gitops in Kubernetes is a simple but powerful workflow: declare the deployments' desired state in git and an agent (often Flux) should pick it up and reflect the state in the cluster automatically. However, this approach allows for the propagation of issues by "broken" versions of software, which could be avoided with a progressive rollout and enforcement of policies around those. In this talk we propose the use of an update and policy manager – Nebraska – as a complement to gitops. Nebraska allows to set up policies to be met for granting updates, and aggregates the data about update statuses. The integration is accomplished using a new Nebraska Update Agent (NUA), which controls Flux itself, automatically reports statuses, and has a minimal impact to the gitops users’ workflows. With NUA and flux, users can manage new deployment rollouts in a more controlled way, by defining policies for updates, for example: update just one cluster at a time and halt all updates if one cluster fails to update; update cluster only during certain hours; see a global view of the updates’ statuses and drill down to any error reports. Hence, tying gitops and policy-based updates in Kubernetes.