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From YouTube: Applied GitOps with Argo CD Autopilot Using Multiple Clusters with an Appli... Hannah Grace Seligson


Applied GitOps with Argo CD Autopilot Using Multiple Clusters with an ApplicationSet - Hannah Grace Seligson, Codefresh

Using a GitOps controller, such as ArgoCD, to deploy applications allows you to deploy more often, execute rollbacks, and avoid configuration drift. However, what if you are an organization beginning to adopt GitOps and are new to Argo? What if you need to deploy hundreds of applications? Manage several clusters? How do you structure your directory? Or apply GitOps at scale for your organization? You can do all of this with Argo CD Autopilot, which provides an opinionated directory structure, allowing you to promote changes across environments with an ApplicationSet Controller for Argo CD applied by the Autopilot bootstrap. Autopilot enables organizations to simplify disaster recovery and quickly set up one-off environments or easily promote changes by leveraging GitOps. This tool works well for teams that are new to Argo CD but want to enable the ApplicationSet's automation and templating abilities to create, modify, and manage multiple applications simultaneously while also targeting numerous clusters with a no-brainer directory structure.