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From YouTube: ⚡Lightning Talk: Why Do We Do This? the Heart of GitOps - Leigh Capili, VMware


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⚡Lightning Talk: Why Do We Do This? the Heart of GitOps - Leigh Capili, VMware

Much toil and work is wasted! in the pursuit of glory, the sacrifice of mission, and the hosting... of web applications. In a computable world of information, there are often many valid solutions to the same problem, and naturally, there are a lot of ways to effectively deliver software, but why is GitOps a good way to do that? Is GitOps really just a trendy name for Continuous Delivery, or is there something more here? GitOps has a heart. There is a full-bodied reason for why this community beats to the rhythms and habits begged for by it's tools. This talk will break that down and speak to the question, "Why do we do this?"