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From YouTube: Policy-Based GitOps: How Policies Can Help Secure and Automate GitOps... Jim Bugwadia & Avni Sharma


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Policy-Based GitOps: How Policies Can Help Secure and Automate GitOps Workflows - Jim Bugwadia, Nirmata & Avni Sharma, Intuit

GitOps is awesome for workflows such as managing sets of applications across fleets of clusters, and the provisioning of multi-tenant infrastructure for teams or end-users. However, there are often gaps in these workflows that require manual configuration or the creation of custom controllers. Additionally, these workflows remain hard to secure, and security best practices like “the least privilege principle” cannot be easily applied. In this session, Avni and Jim will show how Kubernetes-native policies can be used to secure and automate complex GitOps workflows. First, they will showcase use cases for using GitOps such as managing a consistent set of applications across multiple clusters and delivering multi-tenant “Namespaces-as-a-Service” and “Clusters-as-a-Service”, using ArgoCD. Then they will highlight the current gaps in automation and security. Next, they will demonstrate how Kyverno, a Kubernetes native policy engine, can be used with GitOps to address these critical gaps. Attendees will learn how to successfully use policies and GitOps together and also avoid common pitfalls when multiple controllers are in play.