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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Leveraging GitOps - How Red Hat Delivers - Yashvardhan Kukreja & Ashish Narayanan


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Lightning Talk: Leveraging GitOps - How Red Hat Delivers Managed Layered Services on Kubernetes - Yashvardhan Kukreja & Ashish Anand Narayanan, Red Hat

Red Hat's Managed Services ecosystem is heavily backed by GitOps. All the way from defining the core bundles and manifests of those services, to validating them, to propagating them through the upstream Openshift Cluster Manager's Cluster Service, to delivering and deploying them across the entire fleet of all of the customer's Openshift Dedicated clusters, it's all governed and lifecycled by airtight GitOps tooling. By leveraging technologies like Jenkins, TektonCD, Terraform, handwritten GitLab bots and many more, Red Hat has carved this seemingly complicated yet beautiful at its core ecosystem of delivering its Managed Services in an extremely resilient, majorly self-serviceable and reconciliable pattern to its customers. In this talk, Yashvardhan and Ashish would like to share the architectural insights and learnings about this GitOps-powered ecosystem, how was it implemented and how do all these pieces fit together to deliver Red Hat's Managed Layered Services to the customers seamlessly.