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From YouTube: Experimenting with CUE and Carvel to Enable GitOps for Your... - Dmitriy Kalinin & Shatarupa Nandi


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Experimenting with CUE and Carvel to Enable GitOps for Your Applications - Dmitriy Kalinin & Shatarupa Nandi, VMware

You might have heard about Cue ( -- an open source language for defining, generating, and validating all kinds of data. Wait, Kubernetes configuration is data! You also probably heard about Carvel ( -- a set of composable tools that embrace GitOps principles and help with building, configuring, and deploying applications to Kubernetes. So... what happens when we try to use these two projects together for GitOps? In this session we'll explore (and run through some live demos): - Why would you want to use Cue to define your Kubernetes configuration - How does Carvel tools help with managing deployed Cue configuration - How we can safely adopt Cue configuration in our existing environments