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From YouTube: GitOps Use Cases & Best Practices Com... T. Nakahara, S. Bernheim, C. Short, J. Khan, & C. Hernandez


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GitOps Use Cases & Best Practices Comedy Game Show - Tamao Nakahara & Sebastian Bernheim, Weaveworks; Chris Short, Red Hat; Javeria Khan, Snowflake & Christian Hernandez, Red Hat

Everyone wants to hear real-world use cases and best practices from GitOps practitioners and experts! But another same-old same-old panel? Not this time! Come join Tamao Nakahara’s GitOps Game Show - a game-show style session where the audience will hear real-world situations, guess at solutions, and then hear several experts go into depth with their actual solutions. Experts will include Javeria Khan and other guests. The session will be sprinkled with fun nerdy zingers and one-liners from our friends, Chris Short and Sebastian Bernheim! Test your knowledge and skills: * Hear about real-world GitOps needs and constraints * Guess at possible solutions! * Hear from the experts about their actual use cases, the paths they chose, what tools they used, what worked, and what pitfalls to avoid * Try to one-up our nerdy jokes! The session will be fast-paced, educational with concrete data, and fun!