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From YouTube: Managing Apps Dependencies and Kubernetes Versions with Kraan and Flux - Adrian Vacaru, Fidelity


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Managing Apps Dependencies and Kubernetes Versions with Kraan and Flux - Adrian Vacaru, Fidelity Investments

The Fidelity platform team supports internal users on different Kubernetes versions and gives cluster admins from different business units permissions across EKS, AKS, and on-prem (with Rancher). Their OSS Kraan project helps create this seamless experience in a highly regulated industry by using Kubernetes and CNCF Flux. This talk covers Fidelity’s enterprise use case and how users can use Kraan to provide modular and reusable components across different Kubernetes clusters. Platform teams can spin up K8s clusters and install application “layers” using Kraan. Eg. an “IoT layer” comes with Prometheus, Grafana and InfluxDB for storing data from IoT sensors. Cluster admins don’t have to deal with complex deployment/upgrade logic because the kraan-controller, helm-controller and source-controller take care of that. Kraan also has a versioned layer dependency system that simplifies dependency management between addons. Add-ons can be certified and mapped to different Kubernetes versions. Other possible Titles: - GitOps in a Highly Regulated Industry - How To Solve Complex Apps Dependencies on Kubernetes - Kraan - The systemd for Kubernetes - How To Make GitOps Work for You - Layering Addons on Top of Kubernetes