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From YouTube: Real World Migration from HTTP to gRPC in Ruby - Nao Minami, Wantedly, Inc.


Real World Migration from HTTP to gRPC in Ruby - Nao Minami, Wantedly, Inc.

As of today we are running about 100 microservices at Wantedly, built with Ruby, Go, Python, Node, and Rust on our production Kubernetes cluster. While we’ve been historically using HTTP/1.1 for majority of inter microservices process communication, since the last year we have started introducing gRPC for some of our microservices which requires low latency and high throughput. This talk will cover the details of our migration approach and the performance improvement we’ve achieved as a result. Average latency got decreased by 50%, and 90%tile latency was decreased to a seventh. We will discuss our migration steps we’ve took, technical and organizational challenges we’ve faced during the migration, and also tools and libraries we’ve made in order for smooth transitions for servers originally built with Ruby on Rails.