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From YouTube: pinephone, pocket & pub ready k8s lab environments for the time-poor CKx student Ewan Nisbet 1.1.6


Because friends don't let friends take raspberry pi's into pubs. As the world (hopefully) continues to open up, who wants to be sat at home / in the office / it's all the same thing?! Or if staying home suits you just fine, novelty is a great way to make learning even more fun.

The Pine64 / PostmarketOS / Mobian / Librem communities are doing great stuff bringing mainline linux to smartphones. A k8s cluster in your pocket is now yesterday's reality. All and every free moment can now be spent studying for the CKx exams, if you have a few hundred pounds spare and the desire to do so.

Having explored the art of the possible with k8s/qemu/stock android more recently Ewan has been doing stupid stuff in the Mobian ecosystem on Pinephone & Oneplus6. A portable way to experiment and explore k8s, CNI deps on kernel names, and more! But let us remember what's key: a k8s lab that is pub ready!