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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: What is the Knative Asynchronous Component?- Angelo Danducci II & Michael Maximilien


Lightning Talk: What is the Knative Asynchronous Component? - Angelo Danducci II & Michael Maximilien, IBM

Currently, all Knative services are called in a synchronous fashion. However, in many use cases, a blocking request / response primitive is not sufficient. In particular, for data processing and AI use cases, a blocking invocation approach is sub-optimal. The execution of these services is often long running and surpasses the timeouts for responses, or result in the client having to manage a multitude of pending blocking requests. A more natural invocation pattern is to allow for “fire and forget” or asynchronous invocations, where services are called in an async manner. Doing so allows the client not to block as the service execution is unraveled. The Knative async-component aims to achieve exactly this invocation pattern. Best of all, it does so in a natural and progressive manner that makes any service asynchronous with a simple label and lets the service’s caller decide when to invoke the service synchronously or asynchronously. The project is still in incubation but once it reaches beta-level, we can encourage Knative users with similar async use cases to download and try it in their own Knative clusters.