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From YouTube: Achieving a Highly Available and Scalable Multi-Tenant... - Ansu Ann Varghese & Aleksander Slominski


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Achieving a Highly Available and Scalable Multi-Tenant Eventing Backend Architecture in Your Serverless Products - Ansu Ann Varghese & Aleksander Slominski, IBM

Knative Eventing provides a serverless experience with autoscaling but its backend components do not provide scaling and high availability. And today there is a need for large scale customers to implement highly available and scalable event sources. Specifically, in regards to two dimensions: adjust backend deployments based on workload and adjust deployments based on the number of source instances in a multi-tenant environment. It is expected that a serverless platform consumes the least amount of cluster resources while being scalable and resilient. There are no generic sustainable mechanism supporting Knative components with different backing technologies. We have developed a new reusable, customizable and pluggable architecture that schedules resources on the best dataplane pod considering all the highest priorities. In this talk, we will show how the new Eventing scheduler has been used in Knative Eventing for scaling KafkaSource’s dataplane and ensuring consumers are highly available, and how you can use a similar design for any of your custom resources. We will also show how various Kafka consumer settings were tuned to increase throughput in a real production environment.