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From YouTube: Music Matched to Different Ways to Scale in K8s, What Could Go Wrong? - Ria Bhatia, Microsoft


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Music Matched to Different Ways to Scale in K8s, What Could Go Wrong? - Ria Bhatia, Microsoft

The other week someone asked "how do I over provision resources so I have them immediately when I need them?" and I sat there in awe because the community has already come up with a couple options on how to scale on-demand, so why are Kubernetes users still asking for this? That question is the inspiration for this talk. From the operations perspective, I'll discuss what it takes to build up the cluster autoscaler and horizontal pod autoscaler. The talk will incorporate experiments and tests that were run to come up with conclusions on how to appropriately tweak metrics so scaling is cost-effective and efficient. The truth is, most scaling within Kubernetes is metrics based so I'll also take a look at the ecosystem to see if there are other possible methods of scaling. The goal is to teach operation folks of Kubernetes on what it takes to effectively scale with help from some pop music.

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