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From YouTube: Discovering the Untold User Stories of Kubernetes With Applied Anthropology - Hippie Hacker


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Discovering the Untold User Stories of Kubernetes With Applied Anthropology - Hippie Hacker,

Applying concepts of identity from indigenous cultures and societies around the world, we'll explore the unseen, yet interwoven patterns of real-world user journeys within the Kubernetes community. If we listen closely, these valuable and inter-related stories can provide deep insight into how people interact with Kubernetes and beyond. Integrating context and genealogy into our core software protocols, APIsnoop uses machine learning to produce actionable data driven analysis used to refine the definition of what it means to provide a Certified Kubernetes service. Please join us as we learn something about our software ecosystem (and ourselves) by exploring definitions of individual and group identity from around the world, from Austin to Aotearoa, the Land of the Long White Cloud.

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