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From YouTube: Securing the Perimeter - CFCR/CFAR Chain of Custody With CI/CD Pipelines - Keith Strini, Pivo


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Securing the Perimeter - CFCR/CFAR Chain of Custody With CI/CD Pipelines - Keith Strini, Pivotal

Continuous integration (CI) systems automate the building of working code and Continuous Delivery (CD) is the movement of that working code into the hands of end users. These two concepts enable companies to move with effective velocity into new markets. However, because of the pervasive nature of building, testing, and delivering into production, even with immutable containers and a kubernetes secure by default posture, CI/CD pipelines could be used to severely compromise the entire software delivery process. Chain of Custody need to be established and enforced. In this talk we will cover several aspects of ensuring chain of custody, including transmission security, rotating developer keys, signed git commits, independently reproducible build verification, signed release artifacts and run time authority for immutable containers achieving secure an end-to-end chain into production.

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