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From YouTube: Running Vitess on Kubernetes at Massive Scale: Case Study - Jiten Vaidya & Xin Lv


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Running Vitess on Kubernetes at Massive Scale: Case Study - Jiten Vaidya, PlanetScale & Xin Lv,

Vitess was one of the first cloud-ready relational database systems. It served massive qps at Youtube on Borg - Google’s internal cloud orchestration software, and the precursor to Kubernetes. It has been 8 years since Vitess first served traffic at Youtube, and now many companies around the world depend on Vitess to serve production data at scale. Vitess is used on premise, in the cloud, on bare-metal or on orchestration frameworks like Kubernetes. PlanetScale’s co-founder & CEO, Jiten Vaidya, will present the Vitess features that make it a natural for cloud orchestration environments such as Kubernetes. Xin Lv from will present JD’s work on using and enhancing Vitess on JD's e-commerce platform. Specifically, he will show how JD uses Vitess to manage large volumes of complex transitional data to serve massive qps on one of the largest Kubernetes platforms in the world.

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