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From YouTube: Smart Workload: Automated Routing, Scaling of K8s and Serverless Functions - Enlin Xu, Turbonomic


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Smart Workload: Automated Routing, Scaling of K8s and Serverless Functions - Enlin Xu, Turbonomic

Developers have a dream that applications can run anywhere without modification. This begins with Kubernetes and extends to serverless, which promises developers to deploy and run functions without having to manage the infrastructure. To achieve this dream workload must be self-managed anywhere regardless of platform. How would you balance resources between serverless functions and other workloads co-existing in your k8s cluster? How do you scale functions without hitting resource constraints? Should you scale the cluster, or could you route workload to another less-loaded cluster? To find answers we have been running experiments to automate smart workload routing and scaling using Istio/Kong/Gloo over various platforms such as OpenWhisk, OpenFaaS and AWS Lambda. We will share what we have learned in assuring performance while allowing applications to run anywhere, on any cloud.

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