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From YouTube: Intro: SIG Testing - Jessie Zhu & Sen Lu, Google


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Intro: SIG Testing - Jessie Zhu & Sen Lu, Google

The intended audience for this SIG Testing Intro is new and existing contributors to the Kubernetes project, or developers who are interested in learning how prow can be used on their projects today. We will walk through the lifecycle of a PR submitted to kubernetes, and how it is implemented and automated with prow. This will include details about how prow reacts to github events, handles /commands from humans, checks for labels, etc. This will also include how prow kicks off jobs, how those jobs run in pods, what happens inside of the pods, and how results are generated and collected. Finally we will show a variety of tools and dashboards that can be used to show the state of a given PR, as well as testing for the project as a whole.

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