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From YouTube: Keynote: A Tale of Using Kubeflow to Make the Electricity Smarter in China – Julia Han & Xin Zhang


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Keynote: A Tale of Using Kubeflow to Make the Electricity Smarter in China – Julia Han, COO & Xin Zhang, CEO, Caicloud

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to permeate and intertwine with every industry in our society; however, even though open-source AI frameworks such as TensorFlow have lowered the barrier to experiment new algorithms, without sufficient computing power all the advanced deep neural networks would grind to a halt. Kubeflow aims to tailor Kubernetes to support data analytical workloads and to provide an elastic AI pipeline for model developers to improve their model development velocity, solve their devops chores, and build robust and efficient production training and serving systems. We share a journey of using Kubeflow to empower engineers from State Grid of China, which exemplifies a traditional corporate, to develop OCR, vision, and time series prediction models, enabling practical innovation for their finance department and core business.

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