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From YouTube: Intro: Network Service Mesh (NSM) - Frederick Kautz, & Nikolay Nikolaev, VMware


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Intro: Network Service Mesh (NSM) - Frederick Kautz, & Nikolay Nikolaev, VMware

Network Service Mesh (NSM) is a novel approach solving L2/L3 network use cases in Kubernetes that are tricky to address with the existing Kubernetes Network Model. Inspired by Istio, Network Service Mesh maps the concept of a service mesh to L2/L3 payloads. Network Service Mesh enables a variety of types of Use Cases such as: * Connecting Pods to: -VPN Gateways -Non-Kubernetes virtual bridge domains -The *right* physical NIC or SR-IOV VF for their needs -Multiple-interfaces * Cloud-native NFV use cases Network Service Mesh controls the L2/L3 data planes to deliver these types of use cases. Network Service Mesh enables users to express the context of their network needs in a Cloud Native manner, rather than manually stringing together disjoint interfaces, IPAM, and subnets. Finally, we discuss how audience members can get involved and help drive the direction and development of NSM.