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From YouTube: VMware SIG: Cloud Provider Moving Out of Tree+CSI - What it Mean... Steven Wong & Fabio Rapposelli


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VMware SIG: Cloud Provider Moving Out of Tree+CSI - What it Means to Users - Steven Wong, VMware & Fabio Rapposelli, VMware

Kubernetes cloud providers and volume plugins used to be "in-tree" meaning that their source code is included in the main Kubernetes repo. They were compiled in, and shipped only in a Kubernetes release. The drawbacks of this monolithic approach were that Kubernetes was larger than needed, and feature + patch activity was locked to Kubernetes release schedules. Going forward, new features are exclusive to the new replacements: an out-of-tree vSphere cloud provider + a CSI storage plugin. Legacy implementations remain for the short term but destined are for deprecation. Agenda: - Deep Dive : Install and configure of out-of-tree cloud provider + CSI storage - Migration options for current users This session will be useful to: - Users running Kubernetes on VMware infrastructure - Authors of installers and Kubernetes distributions which target the vSphere platform