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From YouTube: Auto Operation of Hundreds of K8s Clusters in Yahoo!


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Auto Operation of Hundreds of K8s Clusters in Yahoo! Japan - Cheng Chen & Hiroki Katsuta, Yahoo Japan Corporation

Multi-tenancy in Kubernetes is actively being developed. However, single-tenancy is still the most practical way to ensure security and workload isolation between organizations. Yahoo! Japan is the biggest internet company in Japan, which develops and maintains hundreds of applications. Currently, we are running the most Kubernetes clusters in Japan. Different service teams, such as the payment system and e-commerce system, are using our clusters in order to serve 130 million Japanese users. In this session, we will present the motivation and procedures of building Kubernetes-as-a-Service in an on-premise environment, includes: ・Learning from our experience in production, such as upgrading clusters with zero downtime. ・Extend Kubernetes using features such as CRDs and Webhook ・Experience of managing hundreds of clusters in an on-premise environment with a handful of members