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From YouTube: Right-Sizing and Auto-Scaling of MySQL Containers in Kubernetes - Yuan Chen & Min Li,


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Right-Sizing and Auto-Scaling of MySQL Containers in Kubernetes - Yuan Chen & Min Li, runs large scale MySQL databases with Vitess on its Kubernetes platform in support of its internet scale e-commerce services. Right sizing and scaling of container resources is critical but difficult due to high uncertainty and variations in workloads. This talk will present how JD develops optimized sizing and scaling techniques for improving performance and resource efficiency of MySQL clusters in Kubernetes. It will describe a system that combines statistical analysis, forecast and optimization algorithms to dynamically adjust containers' resource request&limit values and reschedule containers through Kubernetes and Vitess APIs to minimize resource usage while meeting QoS requirement. This system enables JD to manage its MySQL cluster resources much more flexibly and efficiently, and helps JD dramatically reduce operation and hardware costs of running MySQL in Kubernetes.