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From YouTube: Building Cloud Integration Applications Through Knative and... Willem Jiang & Longchun Zhang


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Building Cloud Integration Applications Through Knative and Apache Camel - Willem Jiang & Longchun Zhang, Huawei

Apache Camel provides a powerful EIP (Enterprise Integration Patterns) DSL to integrate tons of different software middlewares. The project has been proven to be solid for years, while in the Cloud Native era, applications are powered by containers and Kubernetes. The Camel-K project builds features upon the serverless framework Knative, by leveraging Knative eventing and serving components, it brings Apache Camel into the Cloud Native world. With Camel-K, developers can integrate Knative applications with few lines of DSL codes, to glue services together. In this talk, Willem and Longchun will briefly introduce Apache Camel and Camel-K project, and how they are integrated with Cloud Native stacks. At the end they will give an end-to-end demo on how the services are integrated with Camel and Knative, which is from the practices in a smart park project.